Ashley Saville

Chief Revenue Officer

Ashley serves Top Line as the Chief Revenue Officer and remains close to our clients through work in our Sales Consulting practice. She helps start-up through enterprise-level companies achieve faster than the market growth while developing winning cultures.

Ashley is a 20-year strategic sales leader in technology, digital, advertising and media. Her areas of expertise include building sales teams and processes, creating GTM strategies, and developing sales leaders by eliminating friction in the sales process so that individuals can develop into the best version of themselves. She has lead sales organizations of over 100 people while ensuring consistent goal attainment, acted as a fractional CRO, and created multi-million dollar new business lines for client organizations.

Ashley attended Auburn University and is passionate about all things AU Football & Basketball. She lives in Colorado with her husband, two teenage children, and dog (Oscar). She enjoys being involved with various charitable organizations ranging from veteran’s organizations, career-mentorship opportunities, as well as social media management for nonprofits.